By Kehinde Adejumo | April 29, 2024
Photo Credit: Flickr
What if I told you
I had it planned from the very beginning?
Flashing lights and endless amount of alcohol
Music bouncing off the walls
My black dress as skinny as my pinky
Tonight, I’m about to risk it all
I saw you from across the room
So, I walk over and put all my cards on the table
I had him right where I wanted him
You looked at me with a devilish smirk
I felt my heart drop to the floor
I got her right where I want her
You made the first move and spoke first
We exchanged numbers
A month later I asked to be your girlfriend
Make your move
Two months later, we were in France
We sat at a café
Pastries and cinnamon fill the air
You told me you love me
I smiled
You showed your hand
We got married six months later
You bought me a dress with so many pearls
I almost fainted
Good move
You told me that I tricked you into marrying me
I laughed
On our honeymoon, you were tanning on the beach
I picked up some cyanide that afternoon
I smiled as we go back to our home in Beverly Hills
I slipped some cyanide in your drink
You dropped to the floor
I called the ambulance
Months after, I went to the bank
They told me “the transfer is complete”
100 million in my account
I smiled
Final move