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Crime Blotter

By Frank Lipp | December 6, 2021

Nov. 20 - The University Police responded to a fire explosion or hazardous substance report at Eastman Tower of State Quad. False Fire alarm activation investigation ongoing.

Nov. 20 - The University Police responded to a Crisis Intervention report at the Podium. The subject was found to not be on campus, off-campus agency notified, they made contact with the subject, who was not considered to be a harm to self.

Nov. 22 - The University Police responded to a reported medical incident at Cooper Hall of State Quad. Patient transported for medical treatment.

Nov. 23 - 5 Quad responded to a reported medical incident on Fuller Road. All vitals were normal, 5 Quad contacted REMO doctor who signed off on a release for Patient.

Nov. 26 - Officers responded to a reported medical incident at Ten Broeck Hall of Dutch Quad. Patient transported for medical treatment.

Nov. 27 - The University Police took a report of an unauthorized subject having entered a residence over break at Liberty Terrace. The investigation is ongoing.

Nov. 28 - The University Police unable to secure Unsecured Door/Window. Power Plant notified.

Nov. 29 - The University Police responded to a report of an unattended dog on campus at SQ Lot, area searched and gone on arrival.

Nov. 29 - The University Police responded to a welfare check request at Delancey Hall of Colonial Quad. Subject found safe.

Dec. 1 - Women's Basketball game vs Byrant at the SEFCU Arena. The game was lightly attended.


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