By Henry Fisher | September 5, 2022

Photo Credit: Shutterstock
The Student Association met for the first time for the Fall 2022 semester last week. Among their agenda for the meeting was a bill proposed by Senator Miller concerning the recent shooting that occured on Aug. 28. In this incident, six people were shot in Pine Hills – an area which has a lot of off-campus student housing.
“ it resolved, that the Student Association support the efforts of the University at Albany to extend programming for students to ensure their safety,” said Miller’s bill.
The bill, which was voted upon and will be in effect immediately, also resolved to ensure that UAlbany students prioritize the well-being of Albany residents, to work with other student groups to continue to serve Albany and its communities, and to prioritize outreach to those impacted by events such as the shooting.
“...the Student Association condemns the disruptive patterns of behavior that have caused countless disturbances to the year-round residents and our neighbors in the City of Albany,” said the bill.
Other matters discussed at the meeting include the appointment of Daniela Dobrova as the Senate Secretary and Yidi Sprei as the Parliamentarian for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
19 to 27 seats are currently open in the Student Association Senate. The variation is caused by the off-campus seats, which vary depending on the off-campus population.