By Alexis Johns | November 1, 2021
The University at Albany understands that in order to maintain a healthy, safe, and spirited community, it must continue to maintain an environment that does not tolerate gender inequality and sexual violence. The Director of Equity & Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, Amelia Barbadoro, manages the University’s response to reports of discrimination, which include reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual exploitation.
Each incident report at UAlbany does not follow the same path as the previous. The process is designed to provide the individual making the report with an abundance of resources and allows them to be in control to ensure they are comfortable throughout the entire reporting process.
Since there is no particular process when it comes to reporting, the University has developed countless avenues for students and staff, including emailing Amelia Barbadoro (abarbadoro@albany.edu) or Office of Equity & Compliance (OEC@albany.edu), reporting via the “File a Complaint” tab on the university website, coming into the Office of Equity & Compliance (Hudson Building Suit 117) or calling the office (518-442-3800), and reporting to any faculty or staff member at the university.
Spokesman for the university, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, said that “with the exception of healthcare providers and clergy, UAlbany faculty and staff are mandatory reporters, which means that if a UAlbany faculty or staff member becomes aware of an allegation of sexual misconduct or harassment, they are legally obligated to report it to OEC.”
Students, faculty, and staff can also report directly to the University Police Department. UPD will share the report with OEC, but will not be further involved unless the student wishes to file a criminal complaint.
Amelia Barbadoro mentioned that when a report is made through any one of these avenues, it will result in an email from her office inviting the individual to a meeting.
Apart from staff and faculty members, healthcare providers, such as licensed clinicians, and clergy are confidential reporters. If students prefer this option, they can report to the Albany Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center (CVSVC) by calling (518)-442-CARE, or visiting their walk-in hours on campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1-4 p.m. in the Health and Couseling Services Building on Dutch Quad. They can also report directly to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling (518)-442-5800 which is an open 24-hour hotline, or scheduling an appointment here. You can also report to Interfaith Services by calling (518)-442-5565 or going to their offices in the Campus Center B91. These confidential options will only share information with OEC if the reporter asks them to do so.
“All of these are equally valid options, and, again, the system is designed to give students as many choices as possible. The reason there is no set path a complaint takes is that we are empowering students to direct the process,” said Carleo-Evangelist, on why the university has so many different paths for a report.
As an example, Carleo-Evangelist noted that, “A student could report to OEC and pursue both a Title IX investigation and a police investigation through UPD or another agency. Or, that same student could choose to report to OEC and pursue a Title IX investigation but choose not to involve the police. Or, that same student could report to OEC and decide not to pursue either a Title IX or police investigation. Or, that student could report to one of the campus's confidential reporting options and choose not to inform OEC at all.”
In the end, the university’s job is to make sure that the student is supported and aware of all the options they have available to them, and allows them to make the decisions based on what they feel is the right choice for themselves.
Carleo-Evangelist also noted that, though the system may seem complicated, it is because the university is trying to give students as many options as they possibly can in hopes that it encourages students to report their experiences and find a plan of action that best fits their needs.