By Florinda Gjypi | March 27, 2023
To educate, elevate, and empower all women through a network of support on a cultural, educational, social, and personal level, is what UAlbany P.U.L.S.E. – Powerful United Ladies Striving to Elevate – stands for at the University at Albany campus.

P.U.L.S.E.’s Eboard at their 2nd Annual Black Out Bowling.
Photo Credit: Instagram / @shotsbyzac
Originally founded as an organization in 2007 on SUNY Binghamton’s campus, P.U.L.S.E.’s UAlbany Chapter was founded in Spring 2018 by at the time UAlbany Student Jaylene Ademan. Then, P.U.L.S.E. continued expanding to the city of Albany as a non-profit organization.
“P.U.L.S.E. is a sisterhood of beautiful, educated, independent, and powerful women who embody professionalism while empowering one another to always pursue knowledge and further their education,” said Ose Eromosele, a senior majoring in biology and P.U.L.S.E.’s President for the 2022-2023 academic year. “We make the most exceptional effort of empowering all women here on campus.”
Originally from Nigeria and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Eromosele has been part of the UAlbany P.U.L.S.E. since 2021, when she first served as the organization’s Vice President. She says that this year’s P.U.L.S.E.’s executive board (E-board) goals include creating friendships, planning educational programs on campus, and creating a supportive environment amongst everyone.

P.U.L.S.E.’s E-board and DJ Jay Mehki at their 3rd Annual Open Mic Night.
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ualbanypulse
As a campus organization, P.U.L.S.E. receives the majority of its funding from the Student Association. However, with the organization’s number of participants growing over the years, as well as the number of events and programs that they hold on campus, their budget has increased significantly.
“Our budget has grown over the years, rightfully so with the growth of our organization. We are able to host different events as well as our numerous community service events. P.U.L.S.E. 's plan for the years to come is to continue expanding and growing as an organization and allowing women of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds to find a safe space within P.U.L.S.E.,” said Jasmine Amoateng, a public health major currently serving as treasurer for P.U.L.S.E. “With accurate funding that reflects the work that this organization puts into the UAlbany campus year after year, P.U.L.S.E. will continue to be a beacon of light for all women on this campus.”
With a current number of 107 participants, P.U.L.S.E.’s, members are growing daily. In order to become a member of the organization, students need to participate in their interest meetings. In these meetings, they can find out more information about it. Each P.U.L.S.E. member pays $10 dues to support bonding events and to get membership merch.
“P.U.L.S.E. members usually join through word of mouth. We also table at SA Block Party and SA Cultural Carnival to promote ourselves at the beginning and the end of each semester. We have educational programs and advocate for women of color, and although it is a women’s empowerment organization, it’s open for men to join as well,” Eromosele said.

P.U.L.S.E., NCBW, and B2B at “Why Do Men…” Collaboration Program
“By collaborating with campus organizations such as Project Inspire, B2B, NCBW, ASA, PV, and many more renowned organizations, we promote and raise awareness each month because everyone should know little things that can ultimately help someone else,” Eromosele said. “We attend many community service events on and off campus to help everyone in the Albany community. I would say we have a 100% retention rate because we keep our members since they first joined. People only leave if they’re graduating.”
One of the most important events of this organization is P.U.L.S.E. Week, which always takes place the first week of March at the start of Women’s History Month. It is filled with educational, empowering, and elevating programs, as well as annual events.
This year’s P.U.L.S.E.’s week theme was “Women Around the World” and some of the programs held included: “Why Do Men…” in collaboration with B2B and NCBW, “Pink Table Talk: Diaspora and Cultural Differences,” “3rd Annual Open Mic Night,” “2nd Annual Blackout Bowling,” etc.

P.U.L.S.E.’s Eboard and Junior Board (Jboard) at their 3rd Annual Open Mic Night
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ualbanypulse
“The results of these programs and events were phenomenal. It showed that people really enjoyed and supported P.U.L.S.E. Many students enjoyed bowling as a great event to end the week and de-stress right before Midterms Week which was very necessary,” Eromosele said. “Ultimately, it was a stressful week for E-board, but it definitely paid off in the end.”
Students expressed that the best part of being a member of an organization like P.U.L.S.E. is the inclusivity, diversity, and how everyone feels equal and comfortable by being part of it.
Tanise Beryy, a junior, and a psychology major has been a general member of the organization for a year and a half. She has said that the biggest lesson she has learned is that being a part of P.U.L.S.E. means women always helping another woman up.
“I feel like women are always expected to act hostile towards other women but at our organization that is never the case. It is all love and appreciation when we see each other and when any of my peers ask about suggestions in terms of campus clubs, P.U.L.S.E. is always the first group I suggest,” Berry said.

P.U.L.S.E.’s Eboard at their Spring Interest Meeting
Photo Credit: Instagram / @ualbanypulse
“As I entered my sophomore year, I wanted to be part of an organization that helps and uplifts black women. P.U.L.S.E. has helped me branch out of my comfort zone by meeting and working with so many different people while making numerous connections that will definitely aid me in the future. The best part of being part of this organization is working with open-minded people to bounce ideas off and making an impact on all women of color at UAlbany,” said Briana Pierre, a sophomore sociology major who is currently P.U.L.S.E.’s Junior Board’s programming chair.
Every event and program coming up is advertised on P.U.L.S.E.’s social media platforms: Instagram and TikTok which also serve as main contact points for students to reach out to the organization members.
“If anyone has a question regarding our organization whether it’s about dues, fundraising, community service events, or just general questions about us, they can contact us through our Instagram page [@ualbanypulse] as it has the quickest response time,” said Brianna Thomas, P.U.L.S.E.’s Public Relations co-chair.