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UAlbany’s Fall Musical: “Heathers”

By Melissa Rice | October 24, 2022

Heathers: The Musical

Photo Credit: UAlbany's Musical Theatre Association's Facebook

If you've ever been to the basement of the Performing Art Center, you’d know the floors are beaten up and the lighting is headache inducing. However, if you’re there at the right time, from down the hall, you can hear the vocal warm ups of Heathers: The Musical. Practicing to soon perform on the main stage.

The production, put together by the Musical Theater Association, will see the curtain raise on Dec. 3. The musical is based off the 1988 dark yet comedic cult teen classic that follows the character Veronica Sawyer and her boyfriend Jason Dean whose disapproval for High School cliques turns into a murder spree.

The musical director, Peter Mosert, said this year’s cast initially started with around 100 people auditioning, before getting cut down to 30 students.

“[Our version of Heathers} is unique because we have our own cast,” said Mosert, a UAlbany Sophomore majoring in music.

Fiona Faccilonga was one of the students who not only made the cast but landed the lead role of Veronica Sawyer.

“Ever since I was in middle school and high school, when I first heard Heathers, I was like ‘Oh my God! I need to play Veronica,’” said Faccilonga, a sophomore at the University. “So when they decided on doing Heathers, that was my dream role.”

Faccilonga is also a secretary on the eBoard of the Musical Theater Association.

“Veronica is kinda socially awkward yet confident, which gives her this punk swag to her,” Faccilonga said. “I really want to show her confidence.”

Faccilonga said she practiced all summer in order to prepare for this role.

Jason Dean, or JD, is Veronica Sawyer’s murderous love interest who is played by Andrew Calvacca.

“JD is arrogant to a dangerous extreme,” said Calvacca, a 20-year-old music and human development major. “He believes he’s above everyone.”

Calvacca said he a goal of showing just how manipulative the character is towards Veronica.

“Heathers tells an extremely important message about the flaws in how the world treats mental illness,” Calvacca said. “Which is something that I don’t think is talked about nearly enough

Director Mosert said that after months of practicing, he is looking forward to “Saturday night after the show, when it’s all done and we did a great job.”


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